Electronic Data Interchange-Box. An EDI box supports data exchange at point-to-point connections and transmits or receives data using minutes. Most EDI boxes support also networks (mailbox).


Converting structured data to and from another standard structured format.


Software program that is used in the EDI area and converts structured data into a standardized format and vice versa.


Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce And Transport A standard that serves the exchange of business processes, e.g. Inventory data, delivery note data, sales plan, etc. The EDIFACT standard enables worldwide communication.


End-to-End Response – Acknowledgment message about the correct receipt (and, if necessary, processing) of a file from the recipient (end recipient in clearing systems) to the sender of the file.


Electronic Funds Transfer Term for the various types of electronic payment transactions.

End-of-year result

In an end-of-year result the articles, delivery quantities and prices are specified with the suppliers.


IP Network of the European Automotive Industry.


Enterprise Resource Planning Enterprise resource planning describes the entrepreneurial task of planning, controlling and managing personnel and resources such as capital, operating resources, material and information and communication technology in a timely manner and as required in line with the company’s purpose.

External Provider

The external service provider is a legally independent company that performs certain activities (services) for the automotive suppliers, sub-suppliers and automotive manufacturers.