
Transmitter of the EDI messages.


Is part of the standard in which segments and its characteristic properties for individual areas of a transaction sets are broken down.


Start Session Identification – A message at the beginning of the OFTP protocol flow through which both systems authenticate themselves and exchange parameters for the transmission. Colloquially: The ODETTE ID (OSCAR code) that is transmitted in the SSID to authenticate the station.


Simple File Transfer Protocol – network protocol or “SSH File Transfer Protocol”, which encrypts an active SSH connection.

Small charge carrier

It is a multiple use package for small parts. It is a shipment package that is grouped on a bulk charge carrier. It is the smallest unit which will be labled.


Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. Protocol for the transmission of e-mails.


Simple Object Access Protocol. Simple XML-based protocol to exchange structured information in a decentralized and distributed environment defined by the W3C.


EDI term (known as a hub). Denotes a trading partner who is usually a supplier to a purchasing company.


A secure connection between a local and a remote computer is established using several standards and corresponding network protocols.


Start Session Identification – A message at the beginning of the OFTP protocol flow through which both systems authenticate themselves and exchange parameters for the transmission. Colloquially: The ODETTE ID (OSCAR code) that is transmitted in the SSID to authenticate the station.