Blanket order
The customer/ supplier converts an end-of-year result into blanket orders. A blanket order contains e.g. the complete delivery adress of the customer / supplier (sales blanket order/ purchase blanket order).
The customer/ supplier converts an end-of-year result into blanket orders. A blanket order contains e.g. the complete delivery adress of the customer / supplier (sales blanket order/ purchase blanket order).
This is a reusable/multi-purpose packaging, but also for special frames, e.g. for steel, glass, tires (molded parts).
Call orders based on the delivery/JIT call-offs are created from a blanket order.
Computer-Connect-System This is a software solution that provides a hardware-independent connection between systems. It can be used as a data transmission box and for internal communication. Used by automobile manufacturers and suppliers.
Digital certificate used in electronic data exchange over the Internet. The certificate guarantees the authenticity and integrity of the data using modern encryption methods.
To each VDA standard is attached a check list, with whose assistance all definitions for a smooth telecommunication between the partners can be agreed upon. It contains likewise the bilateral agreements.
Service provider who provides the technical infrastructure for processing the sending and receiving of electronic EDI messages.
Provision of IT infrastructure such as application programs and computing power as a service via the Internet.
Any cloud-based solution refers to applications, storage, on-demand services, computer networks, or other resources that are accessed with an internet connection through another provider’s shared cloud computing framework.
Establishment of a communication link between partners to send and receive electronic documents in agreed formats.