
Identification used for segment and data elements.


Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol – Network protocol for the Internet.


The TIER levels from the OEM to the parts supplier form the supplier pyramid. This supplier pyramid is the structure of a supply chain, with the producer of the end product (OEM) at the top.


EDI standard in UK developed by GS1.

Transport Unit

A unit of any composition intended for transportation within the supply chain.


UN/CEFACT (The United Nations Center for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business) comprises a set of internationally agreed standards, registers and guidelines for the electronic exchange of structured data between independent computer information systems.

Unloading point

Within a plant, the goods receipt locations are defined as unloading points. This information is received in releases and stored in history and is part of the blanket order and blanket order referencing key.


Value Added Network Services In order to sublet Telekom telephone lines, a network provider must provide additional functions, e.g. B. Mailbox, SNUF, HCF, etc.


Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. A german association, which consists of automotive manufacturers and suppliers, as well as also of carriers. Within the federation working groups are active, which concern themselves among other things with topics such as logistics and data exchange.

VDA 4938

E-invoicing standard in EDIFACT format.